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RT @FrancisPosts
If you have a sub for the @FT make sure you keep saying you want to cancel all through each of the 5 screens. The first screen asking you why, which then crashed on my app, does not mean you have cancelled. You need to go through another 3 screens of offers and crap. Very annoyed

RT @PlainLincoln
@Lavenderchina Not at all. Private medical insurance in UK right now is priced off broad assumption that emergency, chronic and most acute care will be covered by NHS, with PMI covering only lucrative bits. PMI WITHOUT comprehensive NHS, like USA? Multiply current UK quote by 5 or 10🤑😳

RT @TorstenBell
Sigh. No-one thinks there’s an epidemic of young single professionals going to food banks. There are these things called children which you probably don’t want to bring up in a single room. And obviously lots of people earning far less than £30k

It's always the poorest that pay under Neoliberalism
RT @ColeStangler
Yes, France spends a lot of money on pensions, but the system delivers a decent standard of living for millions. Macron's proposed reforms will disproportionately hurt low-wage workers. My story @thenation

It should be free anyway, what a dystopian way of thinking.
One answer to reducing abortions, @AUL argues, is to ensure that every woman knows that she can give birth with no money out-of-pocket.

The paper acknowledges that this would not be cheap. | @theWesleyJSmith

RT @Fanxxxxtastic
@DavidLammy @labourpress @RishiSunak There were heartbreaking stories about how the Tories were affecting people's lives when you worked against your own party to make sure Labour lost 2 GEs while filling your pocket with money from tory donars

RT @timmckane
James Dyson, who made all his billions in the UK and then took his greed to SE Asia, complaining the the UK is riven with taxes and regulations. So how come he got so rich? And why is he so greedy that he left? By the way we had one of his overpriced Hoovers it was crap!

Getting a lot out of this book. Very useful if you want to understand how things flare up and then disappear, as well as what class politics should look like. You’ll find it at Foreign Languages Press.

⚠️ If you only care about human rights abuses when your enemies commit them, then you don't really care about human rights abuses.

RT @BladeoftheS
Sunak is bragging that ambulance times are even worse in Wales than in England.

He does know that he is PM of Wales?

Doesn’t he?

RT @grosmorne29
"Peacekeepers" is also another interesting word to use - instead of "armed foreign occupiers."

RT @jasonhickel
This week in 1961, US, British and Belgian forces couped and assassinated Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected leader of the Republic of Congo, because he sought to restore national control over the country's mineral wealth. Remember Lumumba.

It’s very funny to me that the dominant Twentieth Century conception of AI was a slightly awkward nerd with an inhuman mastery of facts and logic, when what we actually got is smooth-talking bullshit artists who can’t do eighth-grade math.

Excuse me if I disbelieve UK Tory government claims that obstructing Scottish gender recognition reform is about protecting women's rights, when they plan on ramming through ripping up EU laws which give us rights to equal pay, maternity protection etc. Not to mention clean rivers and beaches and thousands of other regulations which the government can't even list.

@francis Indeed; both are in the pockets of higher beings i.e. big corporations, their owners, and CEOs.

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