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Google likes to claim it loves the web. Google fucking broke the web.

Cookie notices on every fucking website? They need those because they use Google Analytics or Google Ads.

Recipe sites that go on for fucking days? That’s because Google penalises websites when you leave too quickly, and they can’t show as many ads.

Obviously-bullshit machine-generated “content” designed to entice you to click ads? That’s because Google Search is a monopoly.

I’m so tired of Google.

RT @ms_ACD_phdc
Hey again, I know I’m not in the Thicc of the Discourse anymore but

MAGA Communism isn’t a thing, open a goddamn book you grifters

What is astroturfing? And why should we care?

We’ve embarked on a series of legal interventions focused on the opaque lobby groups based at Tufton Street:

Since the Paper of Record is again publishing op-ed pieces about the Fierce Urgency of Doing Something About the #Debt without even once mentioning global #finance or the international monetary system - while also insisting that you must believe in MMT in order to disagree we’re facing an imminent crisis - here is my piece from two years ago explaining why this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue:

@JamesGleick @pluralistic

Always gratifying when someone gives a name to a process you can feel but not yet identify precisely

Well you like to talk about freedom
Freedom, freedom, freedom,
But you never say what it is,
Our master says “you’re free! You’re free!”
We are free to starve my friend, and that’s the only thing they’ve ever given us
Would you like to scream freedom, freedom, freedom
Call me sad, call me mad, but starving is not freedom
I wanna be free of this freedom.

RT @Teh_Snowflake
Inflation is down, but prices are still up.

Almost like inflation was just a pretext to drive profits?

I really hate GraphQL

It's a poor solution to an already more than adequately addressed "problem"

I can see that if you are a huge website and only want to send the exact pieces of data back and forth to keep data volume/traffic down it might be justified

But how many sites are actually like that outside of the big social media ones?

The rest of us spend all day typing names of columns that could be done automatically by simpler tools.

Well, that was interesting.

No milk in Iceland apart from Cravendale 4 pinters

Little milk in Tesco but I did get a couple of pints

Cows on strike?

Maybe it's the snow (which we don't have here, but I hear it's been bad elsewhere).

Know-nothing fool proves they're a know-nothing fool

In other news, water is wet
RT @IsabelOakeshott
Jacinda Ardern smirked as she imprisoned an entire population, telling them: “don’t talk to your neighbours.” A deeply sinister authoritarian masquerading as a liberal progressive. Good riddance!

RT @KernowDamo
@Keir_Starmer @RachelReevesMP You just lost your shirt to the tune of millions chasing the people who released the Labour Leaks report, rather than the people featured in it accused of bullying and harassment. People you quietly readmitted to the party. We know exactly why you need 'rich investors'.

Apart from this being a bit "wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which fills up first" fantasy.

"We" could try investing ourselves and not selling even more of our country to spivs, price fixers, and tax dodgers.
RT @Keir_Starmer
The Labour Party will attract global investors to drive our economy forwards.

We will decarbonise the economy, create good jobs, boost energy security and make the UK a world leader in the clim…

RT @BThroughParty
800 public libraries have closed due to underfunding since 2010.

Lending libraries are essential for those who can't afford to buy books or don’t have room to store them.

We will bring libraries back into council or community not-for-profit ownership and fund them properly.

Rishi Sunak talks of “union paymasters” - I dare him to look an NHS worker in the eye and repeat it. I’m sure he wouldn’t, because deep down he knows that those striking for fair pay are simply people seeking to make ends meet & trying to do the best for their families #PMQs


If EVERYONE had access to the same COVID protections used for billionaires at the Word Economic Forum—state-of-the-art ventilation systems and same day PCR testing prior to entry, we could significantly reduce the risks of COVID and Long COVID.

We are third class passengers on the Titanic. #COVID19

RT @Normanjam671
How have we ended up with the most expensive high speed rail line per mile in the world, is it because we're a corrupt country?

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Green Plenty

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