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RT @Normanjam671
Usually we pray for peace, unusually we're now being asked to pray for more war.
I'm a critical thinker, I've always found war is the best route to peace. 🙃

RT @embedded_iot
A thinking person would surely be asking by now why all attempts at pushing for peace talks - including the latest by China - are dismissed by NATO. And it’s not as liars like @NickFerrariLBC would have you believe that Putin won’t talk

RT @Troublem8kers
Calling all Troublemakers At Work🚩

🎪Rank and file conference 2023

🗓️ 29 July 2023
📍Friends Meeting House, Manchester

Backed by
@workers_can_win | @strike_map | @organise_now

Register your interest⤵️

RT @Scarborough_GB
How many billions of taxpayers' money have the Conservatives squandered on dodgy PPE contracts, illegal parties, cocaine and alcohol?
How dare they suggest we work more hours if we want to eat?

RT @Normanjam671
Just what the country needs, another Labour Party relaunch. 🙃

RT @SmollettMatthew
@SaulStaniforth In order to destroy Corbyn the MSM had to lie and make sh*it up or omit what he actually said. For Starmer all thet have to do is quote what he said and then HE has to lie make sh*t up or change what he actually said.

RT @JewSoc
A reminder that we don't want Starmer out because we think he will lose, we want him out because we don't think racist lying scheming tyrannical left-hating Tory-loving neoliberals should be anywhere near power.

RT @Teh_Snowflake
So, Biden should have done more to regulate the railway industry?

After FORTY YEARS of deregulation, that’s REALLY the argument Republicans are going with?

I knew they were opportunistic and disingenuous; but fuck…..

RT @BareLefter
Labour has a comical poll lead because the Tories have finally been allowed to collapse after years of being propped up by the press.

Labour will soar to victory on the back of historically low turnout, and then do nothing worth mentioning for five years. Enjoy.

it's layoff day for me :(

if anyone needs some Go work, a security minded, performance focused linux administrator or whatever else you think I'd be good at, drop me a line!

UK Politics 

This hateful woman talked back to a Holocaust survivor last month and nobody admonished her for it, so she just carries on.
#HomeSecretary #GTTO

Here's an uncomfortable American history fact. While folks often point out that after Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Hitler refused to shake his hand.

But what happened next? Well, after returning home, Owens & 17 other Black Olympians were denied an invite to the White House. Instead, President Roosevelt only invited white Olympians. And it wasn't until 2016 that the White House finally apologized and invited their descendants to the WH.


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