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It’s very, very strange to be surrounded by people everywhere slowly signing up for fascism. Especially when they think of themselves as “normal”, liberal / progressive… the good people. And yet, they’ve fallen for propaganda. Slowly agreed to value tiny personal convenience over everyone else’s basic human rights. They’ve jettisoned reality. Rejected science and facts. Bought into extreme selfishness. They proudly post photos of themselves causing harm. And push others to do the same. W.T.F.

RT @Nurseborisbash
@darrengrimes_ You really don't know if you want a sh!t or a haircut, do you?

RT @Normanjam671
@mrbobodenkirk @Baddiel The last man I remember wearing blackface on British TV.

RT @EthicalRenewal
@Conservatives What do Conservatives stand for?
Corporate and Hedge Fund profits.
The privileged 1%.
Unregulated markets.
Fewer protections for children, workers or the environment.
Corruption and cronyism.
Racism and sleaze.
That’s what.

A Conservative?
You should be ashamed.

RT @MarinaPurkiss
Does it get more incriminating than this?


…and remember that Sunak’s wife is a shareholder in one of those private childcare agencies.

RT @docrussjackson
That's funny, because I'm a hardworking British taxpayer and I'm sick to the back teeth of funding infantile pig-ignorant bootlicking cowardly anonymous far-right racist dickheads. 👍

RT @jasongorman
I mean, who *wouldn't* want an autonomous personal assistant who understands nothing, routinely makes basic factual errors, hallucinates, can't count and has to be retrained to learn anything new?

On the one hand we have douchebag billionaires…

On the other, teachers who cannot afford to house themselves and are forced to leave teaching.

This is capitalism functioning exactly as designed.

#capitalism #ireland #housingCrisis

RT @embedded_iot
Funny how free market capitalism seems suddenly not relevant to the Tories when it’s the public sector

The crisis in the UK's #healthcare system is not just about immediate care, but also the lack of really good prevention strategies; a case in point being the ballooning incidence of #diabetes - #Tory defunding of the NHS is having real #health costs to millions.

This callous & damaging attempt to promote private health care (thought engineering a crisis in public provision) is killing us!


RT @RedJohnBounds
@johnmcternan I can't wait to have a pro-Brexit, pro-austerity, anti-immigrant, anti-worker, anti-trans neoliberal right wing party in government. It will be revolutionary.

RT @Normanjam671
What do we want?
No auto renewal on subscriptions.
When do we want it?
The Labour Party. 🤡

This country helped found the ECHR - and the reasons were good and noble, for once. If people want to leave it they have to explain why in terms that aren't just racist shite.

Why is the Fed putting the onus of fighting inflation on workers and consumers rather than on the corporations largely responsible for driving up prices — and padding profit margins?

This is wrong. It’s ridiculous policy. And it’s profoundly unfair.

Stop raising rates.
RT @ap
A senior Federal Reserve official said Friday that there has been little progress on inflation for more than a year and that more interest rate hikes are needed to g…

A trick the BBC uses to distort:

Corruption gets called "sleaze"

Far-right thugs get called "right wing activists"

Wealthy sex offenders get called "disgraced"

And chums of Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson get called "chairman of the BBC"

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