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Once again, a white man decides unilaterally to deputize himself and, in the process of policing Black bodies, kills someone. I'm sure with the FULL BELIEF that this murder was in the interest of "Law and Order.™" Just the absolute arrogance. The absolute white male arrogance.

#JordanNeely #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #tired

Us: WTF. Republicans are trying to eradicate trans people just like Nazi Germany in 1933.

GOP: How dare you! We would never try to eradicate trans *people*. Don't be silly! We want to eradicate the entire *idea* of trans people.

Us: Ok you see how that's worse, right?

Via @pluralistic

> What's a Venture Predator? It's "a startup that uses venture finance to price below its costs, chase its rivals out of the market, and grab market share."

> The predator sets $m or $b of dollars on fire chasing "rapid, exponential growth" all in order to "create the impression that recoupment is possible" among future investors, such as blue-chip companies that might buy them out, or sucker retail investors who buy in at the IPO, anticipating years of monopoly pricing.

If anyone's interested in old analogue recording stuff I have one of the old Tascam Cassette portastudios for sale

Nothing will happen because he'd have to admit he's in the wrong and that will never happen

Labour MPs call on Keir Starmer for ‘urgent action’ on racism

This is a former Tory MP writing about the Nat C conference

" It is not wrong to raise some of the difficult themes in the conference, and for politics there must be no “no go” areas, or cancellations, but dealing with them by aggression, denigrating opponents and wrapping yourself in faith and flag has a bad history."

Cabinet Ministers Join Outspoken Climate Science Deniers at National Conservatism Conference via @DeSmog

Murray McDonald:The hidden history of the Guardian newspaper


It's opposed virtually every movement that wanted change at every step.

The #NHScrisis can be seen in the length of #waitinglists for treatment;

#NHS England reports last month that 7.3mn patients had yet to start treatment. Of those, 359,798 had waited more than a year & 10,737 had waited more than 18 months!

#SteveBarclay will claim this is all about the #strikes, but as
the chief executive of NHS Providers notes ' this is 'due to years of under-investment right across the NHS, including mental health & community services'.


We are a monetarily sovereign nation.

We cannot go bankrupt.

We do not
"borrow money".

We do not need to "balance the books".

But the benefits programme having AI help you create some kind of list of things you want?

There was a thing called something like a preferences engine at the beginning of the web - AI my arse.

Just making a note of things people might like and acting on it, which the advertising engines have been doing forever.


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All of the external systems the company I work for now seem to have some kind of "AI" add on.

Total marketing b.s.

The AI is people guessing what features you might like and adding them so you get some faux feeling of personal service.

The writing tool (Notion) sorta works, but they did some licensing scam that means if you use it a lot it will cost a fkn fortune.

If you're writing headlines and some tool is writing the paras - just send me the fucking headlines, FFS.


@francis "you must be a Catholic", and it's the teacher that was inappropriate? Jeezo.

I like following people who oppose NHS privatisation. If that’s you, could you pls share this post and follow me, and I’ll follow you back? Trying to find ‘my people’ 🤣💙

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