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Cory @pluralistic Doctorow: The FDA literally granted pharma company Ferring a monopoly on shit. More precisely, the FDA rescinded its “discretionary enforcement” guidance relating to fecal microbiota transplants (FMTs), where doctors implant a small quantity of processed poop from one person to another, which turns out to be a powerful, safe treatment for serious and potentially fatal intestinal infection. The FDA ruling makes it illegal for doctors to source their ...

#BOFH excuse #257:

That would be because the software doesn't work.

‘We can’t stop small boats and people trafficking, so we’re coming for phd students’ may not be the vote winner they think it is.

31st May Trade Union Struggles in France & Britain – Left Unity Public Meeting

Millions of workers in France and Britain are in struggle against austerity -join us for a discussion with: Francoise Baran – CGT & PCF (France) Jim Hollinshead – UCU & Left Unity (Britain)

Register on Zoom

This week we filed a collective grievance against Apple’s use of a “Solicitation and Distribution” policy to stop Apple Store workers talking about unions.

Support our members and sign our petition:

“Hard for me to see gender as biological if it requires a police state to enforce it”

Homeless people are people. Just give them homes. It's been proven to save public money. Just give them homes. It's been proven to reduce drug dependency and mental crises. Just give them homes. It literally ends homelessness. Just give them homes. NOT KILL THEM.

#politics #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #homelessness #unhoused

Once again, a white man decides unilaterally to deputize himself and, in the process of policing Black bodies, kills someone. I'm sure with the FULL BELIEF that this murder was in the interest of "Law and Order.™" Just the absolute arrogance. The absolute white male arrogance.

#JordanNeely #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #tired

Us: WTF. Republicans are trying to eradicate trans people just like Nazi Germany in 1933.

GOP: How dare you! We would never try to eradicate trans *people*. Don't be silly! We want to eradicate the entire *idea* of trans people.

Us: Ok you see how that's worse, right?

Via @pluralistic

> What's a Venture Predator? It's "a startup that uses venture finance to price below its costs, chase its rivals out of the market, and grab market share."

> The predator sets $m or $b of dollars on fire chasing "rapid, exponential growth" all in order to "create the impression that recoupment is possible" among future investors, such as blue-chip companies that might buy them out, or sucker retail investors who buy in at the IPO, anticipating years of monopoly pricing.

If anyone's interested in old analogue recording stuff I have one of the old Tascam Cassette portastudios for sale

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Green Plenty

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