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Meanwhile, in Nuremberg, 24 Farben executives were tried for their war crimes, and they cited their obligations to their shareholders in their defense. All but five were acquitted on this basis.

In response Reddit kicking a bunch of moderators and mass-undeleting content, the Reddit userbase has responded by... mass uploading multi-gigabyte videos of old-style television static.

The reason the capitalists are panicing and trying to sell the hot potato is interest rates went up. No longer able to borrow endlessly at zero interest to fund operations, and the income needed to break even (let alone be profitable) includes the now much larger interest payments.


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The space blanket - A flag for the people of no nation.

I'd love to see the competitors at major games who stand for no nation, parade behind this.

Reminded of this by a tweet from James Bridle.

>25,000+ deaths in the Mediterranean since 2014. Hundreds more every month. We are all complicit. Fuck borders and those who uphold them; shame on all of us for what continues.

Business leaders: We can't find enough workers!

Workers: You could pay more.

Business: Nope.

Workers: Better benefits?

Business: No.

Workers: More flexible hours?

Business: No way.

Workers: Treat your current employees better to build your employer brand?

Business: Never.

Workers: Well, what's left?!

Business: Child labor!

Lord Heseltine - "All of this is about lying in senior public offices... & you can't escape from the consequences of that on brexit... we left the EU on the basis of lies, of which Boris Johnson was the principal architect... "

Dear Dipshits who are going “We’re gonna boycott Garth Brooks”:

You can’t unbuy the box set you purchased like 10 years ago.

No, Mr Johnson, it’s not about if there were parties, that’s been proven beyond all reasonable doubt, vis a vis countless fines issued to many of those who attended said parties. It’s about YOU lying, AGAIN! It couldn’t be more clear really, but yet again you seek to muddy the waters. You really are a nasty piece of work aren’t you? They should ban you from ever seeking political office again! Bastard!

The UK's #tory engineered #healthcrisis in one simple statistic:

in 1960 the Uk ranked 7th for #lifeexpectancy among OECD nations.... 60 years later in 2020 it had dropped to 23rd!

And if you want to have a look at the OECD data, what you can see is that the relative decline has been largely since 2010.... I wonder why?

The NHS (and our #health) is not safe in #tory hands


link to OECD data (use age range function to get the picture)

what the hell someone had 'TESLA STOCK OWNER" in their bio like that's a personality

That feeling when there are three places where the code should be identical but in the 3rd one it isn't

So you have to do all sorts of improvising and b.s.

Welp, lost a day

I’m sitting drinking my 1st cup of tea with this glorious view. The dog is running around doing what dogs do. Life is good.

You cannot tell me there is no racism in America when shit like this happens. This is why we have #MMIW...

#MikaMatters #MMIW #MMIWG2S

Holy crap.

This is so disgusting. It's like a bad dream I can't wake up from...

Diplomats from 175 countries gathering in Paris for plastics treaty talks on Monday may want to pack an umbrella, but not just because there's a chance of rain.

France's capital will also be showered during the five-day talks by billions of microplastic particles falling from the sky, according to the first-ever plastics pollution weather forecast.

French scientists have found that most plastic particles falling across Paris' catchment area are nylon and polyester, probably from clothing. Other bits are cast off by tires, which shed them especially when vehicles brake.

Over an entire year, up to 10 metric tons of microplastic fibers settle over the Paris area, scientists estimate.

The density of "plastic fall" can increase by an order of magnitude during heavy rain.

Measurements taken by other teams have replicated these findings in half a dozen cities around the world.

Microplastics that hit the ground can still be ingested or inhaled when stirred up, for example, on a windy day.

Plus, it's not only humans and human cities being polluted and poisoned this way...

The equivalent of a garbage truck's worth of plastic refuse is dumped into the ocean every minute.

"Plastic particles break down into the environment and this toxic cocktail ends up in our bodies, where it does unimaginable damage to our health," said Marcus Gover, head of plastics research at the Minderoo Foundation based in Perth, Australia.

Concern over the impact of plastics on the environment and human well-being has surged in recent years along with a crescendo of research documenting its omnipresence and persistence.

In nature, multi-colored microplastics — by definition less than five millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter — have been found in ice near the North Pole and inside fish navigating the oceans' deepest, darkest recesses.

Plastic debris is estimated to kill more than a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals each year, according to the United Nations Environment Program, and filter-feeding blue whales consume up to 10 million pieces of microplastic every day.

In humans, microscopic bits of plastic have been detected in blood, breast milk, and placentas.

Gah. It's utterly horrifying what industry has done in the name of "growth" and "progress." Yet still we carry on with Business As Usual, week after week, year after year.


#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #Plastic #Pollution

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