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My thoughts on a new left party in Britain

What we always had

If we always do what we always did, what do we get?

Updated my server to the safe version - that took a while to find the time

Now I need to see if I can work out how to upgrade Ubuntu because it won't

Hi folks

I might be off mastodon for a while. There's a security vulnerability I need to patch so I'm stopping the machine for a while.

Does anyone think that message has made its way to Calais? Syria? Albania? Anywhere else refugees are coming from?

"Don't go to the UK. They covered up a painting of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Children aren't welcome there".

What on Earth was Robert Jenrick thinking?
And how cruel and inhuman do you have to be that you make life just a little bit worse for unaccompanied refugee children?

If he can be that sadistic towards them, how would he treat your kids if he could get away with it?

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Unless they're scared of us they will give us nothing, and it doesn't matter which colour you pick.

It's the same here in GB. Build and fight as best you can, no-one is coming to save you.


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If the least harm people are in charge it also takes the wind out of the sails for the ones who are willing to go to battle, "ooh look, our guy's in charge".

Welp, he's not "our" guy and doesn't have to even pretend to listen to us because of voting to reduce harm means he has no need to court us.

Have you got it yet?


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I was listening to a very interesting analysis of people voting to reduce harm, in the USA known as "vote blue, no matter who".

The political establishment know they've got the more radical voters in the bag and don't need to actually DO anything to keep them on side. This means they're gonna go for the middle class swing voters that might vote for the other elderly nincompoop.


For 75yrs a health service the envy of the world

The NHS is not intended for profit, something the Tories could never comprehend

Death from a thousand cuts, privatisation, lack of investment & low pay taking it to the edge of oblivion

#SaveOurNHS NEVER vote Tory

I did say that, when Starmer was being quizzed about "would you do a deal with X", the only party he didn't rule out was the tories.

I was right.


Did you know that 10% inflation means that it will take about 5 years for your buying power to halve?

Is there a Fedi equivalent of Goodreads etc. with an API? ramblingreaders inexplicably has no API and I am damn sure not adding x00 books by hand.

(And I am not faffing about installing a Python monster locally just to frob the database directly.)

"I am not angry because the submarine was badly-made. I am angry because I live in a vastly larger pressure vessel being managed and maintained by the exact same people." -- @hystericempress

Posted because I kept seeing this quote posted with the names filed off, so I did a quick google search to find the original so I could share it with full attribution.

I'm getting super-spammed with retoots and faves, so I don't need any more.

A cryptobro DMed me to ask if I wanted to join his mailing list.

I spent slightly too long making this to send in reply.

Water companies paid out more than £50bn in dividends to shareholders in the last 30 years. Thames Water is now £14bn in debt and the Government will probably have to bail them out.
Even then they’ll refuse to take the company back into public ownership and will basically give it back to their friends after paying off the debt.
And there’s billions that still needs investing in the water infrastructure itself.
Who ever thought privatising water monopolies was a good idea?

The income cap on Social Security taxes is rigged for the rich.

A CEO earning $20 million a year pays Social Security taxes on ~1% of their income.

Meanwhile, a normal worker earning under the cap pays Social Security taxes on 100% of their income.

How does that make any sense?

The Southern Baptist Convention voted on banning convicted sex predators from being SBC pastors

That vote failed.

For more see

After centuries spent exploiting and extracting resources from a lot of the rest of the world to bolster its own wealth, Europe has spent decades erecting borders to keep those affected out. It is now pumping out huge sums of money to stop migration in ways that are demonstratively emboldening warlords, militias, dictatorships, and other systems that oppress people further. #Colonialism #Capitalism via @ketan

"cis is a slur" is some next level, roided-up ultra-erasure.

It's also very Newspeak. Double plus Newspeak. Delete the language that describes the concept to delete the concept.

It's funny, but it's also very very bad. Pure eliminationism.

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