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The Rwanda Bill (UK) "is a shameful and performatively cruel law that will risk people's lives and betray who we are as a society."

We've signed an open letter alongside 250 other civil society organisations to oppose this attack on human rights and the rule of law by an increasingly dangerous, authoritarian government in the UK.

Read in full here ➡️

#Rwanda #rwandabiill #humanrights #Sunak #ukpolitics


Don't get me started on Ubuntu changing how system services are loaded because pretty a few years ago.

Moved to later version and all my scripts had to be rewritten.

Better is the enemy of good enough.

Energy is better spent on actual pain points instead of forcing the other 95% of us to rewrite stuff every few years.

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Has any other Linux head come across "doas"?

Man pages claim it's easier and better than sudo.

I just wanna get stuff done, why did someone solve a solved problem instead of doing something useful?

Sudo is at least 30 years old and just works.

A sad day for human rights and a terrifying one for asylum seekers in the UK, who are made scapegoats for a failing government.

#Rwanda #AsylumSeekers #HumanRights #UKPolitics
UK passes bill to send asylum seekers to Rwanda | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian

I was looking for a new gig because the company I work for is totally under resourced and I basically couldn't do my job.

They're offering me redundancy

That makes life a lot easier.

#Ukraine Gets Their Billions Despite #CIA Director Reportedly Warning Zelenksy To Stop Stealing So Much Money 🤑🤑🤑

Some of the 400 bodies discovered in mass graves at #Nasser Hospital in #Gaza.

According to reporting, these bodies include children with their hands tied behind their backs — murdered while in captivity, a direct breach of the #GenevaConvention.


⏹️⬆️⏹️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️⏹️⬜➡️➡️➡️ h

The good news:
Shabana Mahmood, the Labour shadow justice secretary has come out forcefully in support of the ECHR....

The bad news:
Shabana Mahmood, the Labour shadow justice secretary thinks the solution to the UK prison problem is to build more prisons....

And while she is right, 'Change will not happen overnight... We cannot wave a magic wand & return our legal system to its former glory'... lets hope at least the mood music will change quickly!

#ruleoflaw #prison #ECHR

h/t FT





In light of Rishi Sunak's comments on long-term sickness (and his inferred position on disability), I thought I'd re-post this from some time ago..

still apposite!

#disability #ableism

Being neutral on starvation means people get starved. Being neutral on genocide means people get exterminated.

This is so you know what academics and journalists who are framing their neutrality as the high road are doing.



Hey Fediverse

Anyone looking for a Principal developer?

Prefer to work with Rails but know my way around React too. Also have a lot of database and back end.

I’m looking, about to turn on the LinkedIn taps.


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