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"My daughter got to do this program and there's nothing for my son, he's missing out, that's not fair, why can't you run it for him?"

Everything in tech is already for him 🤷 I'm trying to make it so the next generation of girls don't have to be the only woman in the room.

From birdsite 

RT @BeckettUnite
Wholesale gas is lower today than it was 457 days ago.

Your gas bill has nearly trebled since then.

A rip off.

“In #Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment and counselling with no preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”

Make sure everyone understands this — It’s costing us far too much to NOT provide housing and supports to those who are homeless.

#homelessness #cities #housing #HousingFirst

From birdsite 

RT @CarolineLucas
Vital reading👇. The crisis is deepening by the day, people are dying unnecessarily, staff are beyond exhausted, saying they’ve never known such horrific conditions. Where the hell are you @SteveBarclay @RishiSunak? Just how bad does it have to get before you act?

From birdsite 

RT @NiSoc6655
The only meaningful vote you have now is to not vote for the three Establishment parties.

A vote for any of them is a vote for austerity continuity.

From birdsite 

RT @Teh_Snowflake
In our neoliberal context, it’s hard to know how to approach false consciousness.

Our society views the capitalist mindset merely as an innocuous form of idealism.

Try to inject dialectical materialism into the conversation, and you’re just a “meaniepants dream crusher.”

From birdsite 

RT @1957AJB
The NHS is in crisis-Hundreds of extra people are dying every week-Where the hell is @SteveBarclay ? Why isn't the 'flagship news programme of the BBC' demanding he provide a minimum service level of appearances to provide information about what he is doing?

The UK Conservatives have been using their propaganda playbook for decades.

The last round of Tory austerity saw a disproportionately huge rise in recorded deaths of people with disabilities as the state systematically reduced their benefits and excluded them from society while pushing a narrative that anyone not contributing financially was a burden and parasite.

I was talking to a pair of Catholics. One mentioned how Pope Benedict, who died this week, was barely mentioned in mass this morning. The other responded that their priest gave a lot of time remembering him.

Me: "You know why they're not talking about him much, don't you? The same reason he retired. He was complicit in child rape."

The 2nd Catholic got angry at me, for bringing that up.
They got angry at *me*.

Not at Benedict.

This is what patriarchy does to people.

I'm glad insulin is capped at $35 for people on Medicare. It's a bill Democrats unanimously vote for, and so-called "pro life" Republicans unanimously opposed.

But here's the thing.

Insulin needs to be free & accessible to all people. Healthcare is a human right & there's no reason why corporations should profit billions off a life saving drug, the patent for which was sold for $3.

In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no person should struggle with insulin access. #MakeInsulinFree

"The Human's world ends soon," said the cat.
"Again?" said the dog.
"They are fond of endings and beginnings. Even if nothing changes."
The dog whined.
"Same procedure as last year?" said the cat.
The cat lay on the dog's head and purred, muffling the fireworks.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

From birdsite 

RT @WarmongerHodges
Rachel Riley has just been awarded an MBE for "work combatting antisemitism".

Here are a few examples of her tireless campaigning.

In December 2019, Riley celebrated the re-election of Boris Johnson as PM: a notorious racist who wrote a book full of antisemitic tropes.


I really hope 2023 is the year of the weird and chaotic nude bear (comic by Lukey McGarry)

From birdsite 

RT @Upper_Galilee
It’s not complicated. Believe your eyes. Follow your conscience. The reason that it looks like apartheid is simply because it is apartheid.

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