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RT @Brietannia
If you call yourself a liberal, and you refuse to criticise Israel for whatever reason when it enacts illiberal policies; you ought to check yourself on that.

If you ever wondered what bonkers shite passes for thinking in our idiot government and their hangers on, and why things only seem to get worse, this is a good place to start.

What is the market fundamentalist agenda? - West Country Voices

I've been stashing a bit of extra cash away because I'm lucky enough to be able to afford to do so.

Got my statement yesterday

Actually slightly less in the fund than I have put in.

Fucking tories wrecking the economy, even if you try to stash a little away in case you get ill or whatever they will fuck you over.

RT @Taj_Ali1
🚨NEW: After years of campaigning, @RMTunion has won free travel for 5,800 cleaners on London's transport system.

Why do white Americans learn about the dozens of wealthy Black towns that were destroyed by racism, from:
* Fictional TV shows made by HBO
* Black women comedians (Amber Ruffin)
* Random Black dudes the post on the internet 🙋🏿‍♂️

Instead of from their history text books?

Again folks will ask "Why was I not taught this in school?" And again, I will say, "You know why." Look at what DeSantis is doing. Look at what the Texas Board of Education has always done.

This is the Forbidden Knowledge(tm)! 🤫

if you want to get a sense of some of the impact of this change, just look at the quote tweets 💔

RT @TheAuracl3
1. I’m not sure you’re looking for genuine good faith answers to this question, nor am I confident you’ll accept said answers. Your bigotry precedes you. 💅🏿

2. Vikings aren’t an ethnicity. To be a Viking was more of a job description. The more you know.

RT @blackintheempir

We did what the US wanted, based on false info given to us by the known liars in our Intelligence Communities

Close to a million people were killed and nobody will demand we be charged with war crimes.

The "Rules Based Order" means we don't have to follow any rule

RT @Normanjam671
If you're working class and breaking into people's houses to fit prepayment meters you are a class traitor and a scab.

RT @WarmongerHodges
The only reason Labour's "antisemitism crisis" has miraculously disappeared is because Starmer has declared unconditional support to apartheid Israel.

Truth is, Starmer has expelled more Jews than any previous leader. That's not rooting out antisemitism. That *is* antisemitism.

From Caitlin Johnstone (@Caitoz) --

In competition-based systems, the most powerful governments will always be those who are willing to do whatever it takes to stay on top, the most powerful people will be those who are willing to do whatever it takes to get power, and everyone else gets crushed in the mad scramble.

The fact is we’ll always be ruled by corrupt assholes as long as we have competition-based systems, because the best competitors will always be the most ruthless individuals who will do anything to get to the top. Get rid the current assholes and our asshole systems will necessarily elevate new assholes to take their place.

It’s easy to imagine a future without corrupt assholes. But it’s almost impossible to imagine a future where human behavior is not driven by profit for its own sake, where we have moved from competition-based systems to collaboration-based ones where we all work together for the common good.

It’s easy to say “Those assholes at the top need to go.” It’s much harder to say “Everything I’m familiar with needs to go.” It’s a giant leap into the dark of the unknown. But that’s the only way we’ll ever move toward health, and it’s the only way our species will avoid being driven to its doom.

I agree. If you hold on to the same system, it's "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss." The only way to change this is to change the system.


#AntiCapitalism #Socialism

The claims say oil spills resulting from Shell's operations in the Niger Delta have endangered the lives of residents.
Nigerian communities file damages claim against Shell in UK court

RT @docrussjackson
The failure of successive Tory Govts to recognise the impact of public spending cuts has meant Britain missed out on £400bn of growth since 2010 - roughly the same amount that Britain's richest 1,000 people increased their wealth by during the same period.

RT @jdpoc
, Today : "In my speech last month, I said we would build a better future for our children and grandchildren."

Also, today :

Interesting fact (iirc correctly) from yesterday

20,000 people have joined the teaching union in the last couple of weeks.

RT @dib50511659
@BladeoftheS @VintiquesMark Here is an LBC host peacefully removing a one man pensioner protest on TV. The fact the presenter accepted a criminal conviction (by way of official police caution) rather than a public court is hearing.

RT @mitchelltorok
@fjfish Fishi's short selling in 2008 helped crash the market. He's the fire fighter who starts fires for the thrill of praise for putting them out.

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