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And corruption, incompetence, selfishness, stupid complacency, self-serving blindness ....
RT @AP_Europe
Rishi Sunak is marking 100 days as U.K. prime minister. While he calmed financial markets in the early days of his tenure after his predecessor's damaging economic policies, Sunak still faces a host of challenges including high inflation and strikes.

Tell me you don't know how capitalism works without saying you don't know how it works. For-profit behaviour and humanity/compassion are completely incompatible.
RT @SteveChalke
Why does British Gas - who’s profits are up by 700% - go to the courts for warrants to break into the homes of the poorest (in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis) & then force-fit prepayment meters, which leave their customers cold & unable to cook? What…

uk trans pol 

the constant "we need to get more signatures for this gov petition" deal is a massive nonsense circus.

it doesnt do anything.

the only time they U-turned on doing more horrible things to trans people was when the PM's girlfriend told him to think again.

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RT @feldowling
Please support @LeftUnityParty @JamesSh96 @Thelma_DWalker @eiecampaign @IanBFAWU @BThroughParty @Spartacus4NOW @Verde1957 @RonToddFdn @fjfish @kate4peace2021 @19MW98

Kids queuing with their unemployed parents at the jobs office because the schools are all on strike - the Toriest of sights in Tory Brexit Britain

Johnson & Johnson’s bankruptcy gambit fails. “J&J told women to put carcinogens down their underwear. For decades. It gave tens of thousands of women ovarian cancer. Then it tried to use Texas's courts to walk away with billions. But this time, a court stopped them… This time, the company might just have to pay for its crimes.” | Cory Doctorow, Pluralistic @pluralistic

I have mild arthritis in the index finger of my right hand. TIL clapping a lot at speeches can make it throb like a bastard.

Me: Free software licenses should include ethics clauses.

Folks: Don’t be silly, you can’t put restrictions on licenses like that. It’s unworkable.

Apple: You can only run this operating system on hardware I sell.

Folks: Sounds good to us, sir. Whatever you say, boss!

If our only answer to unethical licenses is indifferent ones—as opposed to ethical ones—I don’t see how we win this. I feel the offhand dismissal of ethical licenses in technology has been and is a mistake.

#foss #ethics

Solidarity with everyone taking strike action today.

Support teachers.
Support rail workers
Support nurses
Support doctors
Support ambulance crews
Support firefighters
Support Civil Service staff
Support bus drivers

We band together to make this country better.

Why is it that a pay rise for a teacher causes inflation, but a bonus for a banker doesn't?

This is interesting

A sensible council rejects tech bollocks that hasn't actually achieved a damn thing.

Newham Council rejects use of live facial-recognition tech by police via @ComputerWeekly

RT @AaronBastani
The post political ‘country before party’ stuff that the liberal pundits lap up is *precisely* the problem. Societies renew themselves through debate and disagreement. Democracy is agonistic.

This rhetoric is about having a tiny coterie at the top in charge.

RT @KernowDamo
The treatment of Stephen Kapos, as seen on last Sunday's @Standup4Labour show was utterly wretched. Anyone believing Starmer threatening to expel a Holocaust survivor from the party is tackling AS needs their head examining.

Only when party isn't led by a socialist
RT @Keir_Starmer
My Labour government will always put country first, party second.

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