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RT @medialens
Classic Guardian take:

Diplomatic editor @patrickwintour describes the illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq as 'a blunder'.

It was no mere 'blunder'. It was the supreme international war crime.

RT @dtmooreeditor
welp, lineker's back on the air. another nail in the tories' coffin. it was a stupid fight to get into: there was never any reward in it, only risk, and it played out about as badly for them as it could possibly have.

Gordon Brown did this

Then he "rescued" PFI so he could appear to balance the books in a way the Tory media would accept. And also make hedge funds even richer.

Some slight intellectual honesty would be too much to hope for from these clowns, I suppose
RT @RachelReevesMP
There is a global race on - and despite all our promise and potential, Britain is falling behind.

Labour will change that.

Our Green Prosperity Plan is vit…

This should be a learning moment. The establishment scared us away from a radical Labour government, not because socialism is a threat to our democracy but because they are. The BBC is simply another weapon to ensure the public vote against their self-interest and anyone who trusts its output is an unwitting puppet.

RT @broseph_stalin
Labour now loudly condemning BBCs decision on Gary Lineker when the gallery of labour front bench losers spent all last week fuelling it. They looked at which way wind was blowing and joined in. Party of polls not people or politics. They stand for nothing

RT @tribunemagazine
'If you fight, you won't always win. But if you don't fight, you will always lose.'

Bob Crow, the left-wing General Secretary of the @RMTunion, died  in 2014.

RT @Cufflar
@Peston If the government wants to stop people comparing their policies to 1930s Germany, stop making policies that are comparable to 1930s Germany. Simple.

Speaking personally I would never have even considered doing business with an entity calling itself "Silicon Valley Bank" - I wouldn't have trusted them even a little.

Note to self

Take your blood pressure medication and maybe you won't feel quite so shit

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RT @crimlawuk
3 simple questions to expose the “it’s legal” lie.

Does detention of asylum seekers in the UK, with no trial and no appeal, comply with:

1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 14).

2. The UN Refugee Convention 1951.

3. The European Convention on Human Rights.

RT @brokenbottleboy
NEW | A trip down horrible memory lane and an urban legend that won't die:


Kathy Burke's new documentary has revived a persistent internet myth and all-too-real comments from Chris Moyles' arrogant and sleazy heyday.

RT @GrassrootsUK_
When you have to laugh but you don't know why! Quality from larryandpaul.

I want to retire so badly after 40 years of this, but can't for at least 18 months because of legals, and probably far longer because of da monez.

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