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I am so tired. I feel ok and then try to start work and it hits me like a wave.

RT @Fruich
What people conveniently forget is that before the war the UK closed it's borders to Jews trying to flee the Nazi terror.
There was the same kind of rhetoric then, from the very same newspapers.

Hello world! Elon Musk picking a twitter fight with Icelandic philanthropist and man of the year 2022 Haraldur Thorleifsson ended up being the final push that we needed, so now we are here on Mastodon. We don't know how any of this works, but follow us for posts on vision science, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, and stupid memes.

RT @RedJohnBounds
@BBCNews The free speech brigade are some fucking woke snowflakes.

RT @RedJohnBounds
Clarkson should have free speech. But not Lineker. I wonder why?

RT @campbellclaret
was factually accurate. 1. UK has fewer refugees than other European countries. FACT. 2. Language in the debate is redolent of the language used by politicians and media in 30s Germany. FACT. The role of the media is to seek out truth. Facts are quite important to that 2/3

RT @embedded_iot
Got to laugh haven't you. NOTHING about Seymour Hersh's article. But suddenly some random new baddies as nobody believes the Russians would blow up their own pipeline for the lulz

The idea that millions and billions of people want to come to this neoliberal hellhole, that pays the worst pensions and benefits in Europe and is run by people who partied while people died of Covid, is hilarious.

But I ain't laughing.

RT @MattGertz
The real divides at Fox aren't "news" and "opinion" but "won't say crazy shit," "will say crazy shit but doesn't believe it," and "believes the crazy shit.

RT @helenmallam
Over 40 years ago I visited the Anne Frank House, Amsterdam. It’s always haunted me, particularly the basement exhibition on fascist parties - the National Front (later BNP) was marked out as a particular danger.

Yvette Cooper is wrong, we must draw comparisons with the 1930s.

the problem with normalising people *saying* stuff that's very extreme, even if literally everyone hears it and thinks "woah, that's too extreme!!", is that over time it normalises everything not-quite-as-extreme as that too, in effect it draws a new line in the sand

RT @RedCollectiveUK
Why are @SkyNews casually comparing the number of UK asylum seekers with prisoner numbers?

What a shockingly inappropriate conflation and one which will only serve to further demonise innocent, vulnerable individuals seeking safety.

RT @GaryLineker
@a_webb @secrettory12 There is no huge influx. We take far fewer refugees than other major European countries. This is just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s, and I’m out of order?

RT @13sarahmurphy
You Tories who think you can bat away criticism of your grotesque inhumanity by clutching your pearls about being compared to Nazis…
No. You deserve the label. You deserve the anger. You deserve the shame. You know there are other ways but you choose this.
You deserve it all.

RT @Normanjam671
Labour are fighting the Conservatives Fascist policy by saying it isn't efficient enough.

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