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RT @docrussjackson
What next?

'Hitler was woke'?

'Pronouns wiped £30BILLION from UK economy'?

'Woke teachers behind COVID & climate change'?

'Politically correct snowflakes dumping sewage in rivers'?

'2008 crash, 330,000 austerity deaths, & all due to VEGAN MOB PLOT'?! 🤡

RT @raphaeldogg
You cannot freeze it, as there'll be no General Election this year & you cannot gain power: you 'pledge' this in the certain knowledge that you will never have to deliver. Which makes it another of the disonest 'pledges' that have marked you tenure as leader

RT @BladeoftheS
Michelle Mone’s PPE MEDPRO was a company that was less than 3 weeks old, with zero employee’s, no contracts, no premises, no previous transactions of any kind and with £100 in the bank.

Then the Government gave it £203,000,000.

Jail, jail, jail.

"Offer" - people want heating, food, and not to be terrified of falling ill. It's not a fkn supermarket.
RT @RachelReevesMP
Happy flying start weekend!

I know so many Labour activists will be out on the doors spreading the word about our local election offer.

You can sign up below to get out on the and be part of building a better Britain.

RT @earthygirl011
Won't work for 'working people' until our wages are enough to live on, there's housing we can afford, we can pay our utility bills without going hungry, when we're sick, disabled or unemployed the welfare safety net is enough to live a life worth living. You're offering nothing

'New research by Just Like Us has found that lesbians are the most likely of the whole LGBTQ+ community to be supportive of trans people. Lesbians are the most likely to say they know a trans person (92%), and also the most likely to say they are “supportive” or “very supportive” of trans people (96%). That’s compared to 89% of LGBTQ+ people overall, and just 69% of non-LGBTQ+ people.' [>3,600 adults aged 18-25]

-- "Lesbians being anti-trans is a lesbophobic trope"

[ #lesbian #trans #GoodNews #PositiveNews #LGBT #LGBTQ ]

A source of new Fediverse accounts is

46,862 were discovered during the past day.

Brighteon is known for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories all over Facebook and Twitter, and it looks like they’re trying their hand at the Fediverse now.

I’ve looked at the accounts on that server, and the overwhelming majority look like bots. The goal seems to be spamming misinformation.

Personally, I recommend putting on #Fediblock.

Shout-out to socialist Eugene Debs, who got almost 1 million votes for president in 1920 while in federal prison for encouraging young men to dodge the draft for World War 1.

A striking visualisation of #climatechange: the date of Kyoto cherry blossoms' reaching full bloom, plotted over the past 1000 years.

Thanks to the cultural significance of cherry blossoms in Japan, we have data on the specific day of the year when a very particular species of cherry blossom (P. jamasakura) reached "full-flowering" (満開) in a specific area on the outskirts of Kyoto (Arashiyama), all the way back to 800 AD.

The trend of the past 50 years is hard to miss…

Let’s get one thing straight: prosecuting a former president isn’t radical if he broke the law.

Waiting for the April fool article where tories say sorry and hand themselves in to some kind of people’s court.

It's just like Les Misérables, except Jean Valjean is worth $200 billion and he wasn't stealing bread to feed children, he was stealing employees' charitable donations to fund his failing vanity project.

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